Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Insights by Roy Littlesun

Gained at “Titus’ Cabin, Hopiland”

“shake the anthill and tell the world the truth about Creator’s Law”…was the last encouragement of Elder Titus the Hopi, spoken at his cabin, at Hopiland. Hopi means the Peaceful one. World Peace requires us to be “Hopis”, in conjunct with Earth becoming “Hopiland”. So, “Titus’ Cabin” has so far found extensions around the world, to further the INSIGHTS we need to SEE ourselves within the greatest possible realm of TRUTH, to become FREE.

Latest Inspirations:

* The GAP

* Happy Birthday!
* Free the Tree
* The Plan
* Deep Sleep
* Making Bliss Apparent
* Unconditional Love

* The Winner
* Why do we have a Right and Left Brain?
* Nine Cosmic Gates
* Self-realisation

* Purpose of the Right and left Brain
* The Experiment is Over!
* The Ball
* Ignorance
* Beyond the Target

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“Imagine” the VOID…that we cannot perceive, because we are locked in the Dual realm. By the One becoming Two a GAP or Portal is created through which we have access to the Infinite Possibilities that the Void or Oneness contains…which we can REALISE by space and time. A PLAN is thus needed to use the available space and time within a Fixed cycle. It is thus crucial that just before the cycle ends, and the GAP closes, the last stage of the cycle can be bridged. Today’s world signifies this last stage. So, we must “in time” Remember the PLAN that enabled us to be in the GAP that we find ourselves in!

Happy Birthday!

Free Will correlates with the CHOICE to be FREE. Will represents the Creative Force. This Force in an unmoving condition is The “Superglue” that holds the Oneness or “Creator’s Body” together.

By the ONE becoming TWO (Polarisation) the Creative Force that we know as CHANGE, can move. In the Dual realm change is the Constant to keep all parts together. Change begins from the beginningless and endless ONE that makes change possible. The ONE by itSelf does not change. This Self is who we truly are. The Self is Realised by Knowing who we are within the realm of Oneness. That’s where World Peace is for, to Know who we truly are and not as many believe…to be comfortable within an syndicate controlled world, held together by the ongoing politically designed “treaties”, which are needed to maintain the “protection” under a inferior god by which one tries to “modify” (clone) the Human (created in the image of the Creator) after. At the other hand…the inferior god is part of creation too. So, could it be that this “inferior god” is merely a reflection of the state we ate in, while in pursuit of finding the Superior within our self? If so, then it certainly gives us the chance to become conscious of the limit that we can transcend by Changing the inferior condition we are in. The more we can Change our own affairs the more we can attain the state of the ONE who does not Change. The ONE or Ultimate Superior does not have to Change in order to become Superior. The Unchanging ONE Changes the Un-manifest into the Manifest in order to make us realise that the ONE is Infinite. The difference between seen and unseen, “inferior’ and “superior” is merely due to a mindset that enables us to become confused. Confusion, making us as close as possible to the VOID or UNKNOWN from where everything is created.

With the only Constant or True Law, Change, we can manage the Illusory realm. Without using Creator’s Law as our primary constant we will get lost in the infinite universe. Consequently we will fix ourselves within the self-imposed boundaries or limits. Isn’t this true when we identify ourselves by for example a “nationality”? However, deep within we feel that we need to connect with “the rest”…that we try to find in another who thinks similarly... But, without the understanding and acknowledgement that the “missing part” is complementary…the need arises to have a competition or conquest. Ultimately this leads to the most destructive and cruel wars. How ironic, we destroy that what we need most. Exclusivity against exclusivity, law against law, making the destruction and cruelty escalate. The chain-reaction of the atom-bomb has resonated to the chain-reaction in the brain, from where the Heart can expand to explore Creator’s Body. We need to understand and use heart and brain within the frame of Creation. The heart is not “just like a pump” or the brain “just like a computer”. Heart, brain and every cell of our being is a resonance of Creator’s Body. So, how does the Creator feel, think and function? Our infinite quest into Great Mystery is to deliver the answer to these questions, that can only come about with the Self-realisation. We can breathe, because we are one with the wind. To Know the Creator, our true Self…we must become one with the only ONE on the terms of what maintains the Oneness. What maintains Creator’s Body is Creator’s Law.

Oneness…this we cannot comprehend or imagine, unless we have become One with the ONE, the Centre of centres. Contrary to this Centre is the limitation we subject ourselves to, by identifying ourselves with objects or any temporal concept that we can only perceive by Division. The significance of division, however, is that it can make us Aware of the Limit or Horizon of our Awareness! Thus as long as we have not come to the Self-realisation, realising that we are One with the ONE who is the OBSERVER…we can find ourselves in a self-imposed prison or “matrix” in which we can be exploited according to an order that ultimately will self-destruct. The negation is due to the eternal constant, Change, making sure that the “Superglue” maintains the Oneness. In other words, anything in the pursuit of exclusive interests will vanish by the Force that endlessly continuous, so that the Limit or Division can be made the Stepping-stone into the ever growing horizon of FREEDOM. Change is the Force that carries forth that what has been realised in the Light of Truth.

At the point where we reach the ultimate limit, indicating that we have removed ourselves farthest from the ONE…each one of us will be presented the Last Question…”to BE or not to BE”. The “to BE” is the Self who can let the Creative Force flow THROUGH itSelf. This comes about by truly knowing the ultimate options, implications and consequences, when The Choice is made to be utmost True . By making a choice, the Will…representing the Force, is set in motion. Consequently our being, microcosm of Creation, is moving too. This is HAPPINESS! Thus the Magic Happens, Creation flows through us…making us Realise that in truth we are the Creator and that everything we are aware of is due to the Oneness making the inner and the outer interact. For this reason we eat and defecate, drink and urinate, inhale and exhale, listen and speak, be seen and see, remember and aspire, etc. Ultimately leading to the extreme options: “to BE or not to BE”.

Inner and outer are merely needed to create PERSPECTIVE. In reality or eternity inner and outer are One. Perspective is needed to allow the Infinite Possibilities that Great Mystery or the Unknown contains be released through a PORTAL, that we can create through the Human Potential. For this reason we were given Free Will, to endlessly expand the ONE into Great Mystery. So, in essence the PORTAL is the Eternal Growing Centre from where a possibility can be realised. Thus upon every completion of a cycle of consciousness, the extent of the perception becomes the “circle”. The TWO lays out the dimension of perception, so that the ONE can create a “Drama” within the dimensional realm where we as Individuals (= “indivisible-two’s”) can act out a designated role or destiny.

The first responsibility is to be Fulfilled according to the Nature that is composed of qualities that no one else has, to make a unique part of Creator’s Body Conscious. Each one of us is UNIQUE, indicating that the only ONE is Within. How profound, how the only ONE can be amplified in EVERY one! Thus it is important to remain focussed on the ONE who must be served, regardless what the norms of an secondary order demands us to obey. The king does not necessarily need to have a crown and sit on a throne. The true king is the true servant. The service we give according to our nature must benefit the Whole. Here is where intelligence, wisdom, endurance and patience come to test. The significance of the Unique Role is to make a layer between the ONE and the Unknown visible, so that it can be dissolved by the Light it can receive.

The circle of the ego becomes a “solid wall”, when it cannot reflect the Light back to the Source. “solidity” or “stuckness” is the result of so called “greed” or anti-Change. This is the very principle of today’s monetary system, by which the concept of “ownership” is administrated. For the Self the centre and the circle are one. Thus without the division there is no “solid wall”. What keeps us isolated from the Whole is the creation of the inner-division between right and left brain…that makes us think and act that way. The “secrecy” a secondary order depends on becomes obvious by the wall that contains it…STUCKNESS! Similarly, the vault that we use to contain an illusory concept of wealth…in essence contains the poverty of mind. Our perception of Value grows as we expand our concept of Freedom. The only Secret is the ONE who we truly Are! Therefore the eternal quest that we can ENJOY with the endless realisation of the infinite possibilities. So, what can be more valuable than to BE? Why prostituting our talents, energies and time for money or money related things and ways? These experiences are the result of not having come to the full realisation of who we truly Are. We Are the Creator. This does not imply the refusal of making the “baby steps”. The important thing is that the Steps are focussed into the direction that ultimately leads to the PORTAL. Happy trails!

Oneness is the principle of Freedom. The expansion from Within is secured with Creator’s Law, Change. From the Centre of centres we will not exploit the outer the way today’s world is maintained by. The Creator does not need to conquer and exploit. The ONE has it ALL. We are Priceless and utmost Wealthy (one with the Well). The “world bank” is merely indicating a centre of poverty, especially the lack of spirit. From the Within we can endlessly share from the Infinite Bank. Imagine the Sun as the Centre and from thereon the expanding Circle into as far as its Light that can be perceived in the Outer. The Self shines forth as the supreme teacher and healer (heal = whole), constantly helping with the improvement of VISION. We are the LIGHT-bearers, that’s why our heart’s essence correlates with the Sun of suns. We have been on the endless Vision Quest!

There is the action of the “to BE” and that of the “not to BE”. The action of the “to BE” or Self is EFFORTLESS, because “Change Happens”. This is Happiness, “it Happens”. The action of the “not to BE” requires EFFORT, because here the will is not the Will of the ONE. Today’s world is certainly not a happy one, showing that the exclusive ideals we dreamed of (such as the “American dream”, , communism, socialism, democracy, etc) are not happening. The great efforts, all FUTILE, to get “educated”, to “make a living” (at the expense of life) and everything we need to “get around”…all indicate the context of the “solid wall realm”. Limitation is due to a mindset that we try to FIX within a context that we try to control with inconstant laws. This way, the more we try to control the more we get out of control. This sums up the performances of today’s nations, that we amplify through the media and movies, obscuring the point of view from Within. These “shows” were staged before, many times. Have we learned from it…or have we just become better in acting out the old script? Or, will we sublimely perform the last part of the Plan that brought us to Earth with a NEW Consciousness of Being?

Now we must PRIORITIZE Creator’s Law, the eternal Constant, CHANGE, making each Moment NEW, bringing forth the Alpha and Omega without division and the preference of the one over the other. We must Return to the ONE from where we can give the BEST answer to the last question. This ONE is WITHIN (centre) as we are IN the ONEness (circle). All is One, “the seed is in the tree – the tree is in the seed”. From the beginningless and endless ONE the “Total View” can be distilled into the Seed of seeds. We cannot escape the “All There Is”. Not to Know this is not to Know that we are already Complete and Eternal. We have been given Free Will to make sure that we can REMEMBER that we gave this Guarantee to our Self. So, what are we waiting for. The “Here and Now” has arrived. We are the ONE we have been waiting for! The last act will reveal the most powerful and exiting climax of a cosmic drama, which’s preparation for the Moment of Truth have taken an evolutionary process that lasted for over four billion years. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Free the Tree

When Deep Sleep is BLISS…then the way today’s world order is trying to present the AWAKENING…extremely hinders the chance to Remember the Dream, for it to be REALISED. The Dream brought us to Earth, the Centre of Paradise…where Bliss can be realised through the Human Potential. Here the TREE of LIFE began to grow and it was Creator’s wish and Law that this Tree is FREELY enjoyed. As such, by CHOICE, any Limit can become the Stepping-stone for those who assimilate the Tree’s Seeds. As such CHANGE becomes the eternal constant, also expressed by the formula of Life: “the seed is in the tree and the tree is in the seed”…to realise that we are Eternal indeed.

In order to validate this principle…a “chosen few” were appointed to create Earth’s extreme limit. This limit is today’s fence around the Tree. Thus the relationship between the Seed/Tree and the greater extend, into Great Mystery, could be temporarily blocked to concoct the awakening. Initially Earth became divided by the national borders. The nations were in turn divided by the fences to confine domesticated animals, such as cows and sheep, in conjunct with having these animals used as a main-food. Consequently much more land (up to forty times and more on lands with dry climates) is needed to grow food. Thus not enough land is available for Humans to live on, where they can be Free to enjoy from the Tree of Life. Then we can be herded in small controlled areas (towns and cities) where we can “live to make a living”, by way of “legal notes” (money) to buy “food”. Now the people can be rallied to defend the nation against another nation. Thus the division can exponentially grow, to finally destroy the Tree. Enemies creating enemies, as money is systematically made harder to come by. So, what will happen when money cannot any longer buy food? With the division laws have been used as weapons, which ultimately make Weapons the law. “let’s make war for peace”. Who are the first terrorists here. We, the “consumers”. World Peace can only come about by the DE-fencing of Earth, for her to again become the Common Ground…to FREE the TREE, so that we again can be responsible for the DIRECT relationship with the Source of Life and Earth’s natural order.

In the confinement the division is intensified by the competition to gain the privileges, by which we can be “comfortable with the discomforts”, where the “food” that lacks the Memory of the Seed (by genetic manipulation) is consumed. Within this restricted context (“home-job-supermarket”) the Human is downloaded with the Extra-Low-Frequency (ELF) from the NET (“outer-limit”) that surrounds Earth. As such the only superficial way of communication, to possibly create a consciousness of Oneness, can be externally controlled and distorted from “ground-level”.

So……….how can the LIMIT be used as the STEPPING STONE?

The First Stepping-stone and Portal from where the One Law can be expressed is the HEART, where all opposites meet as One…because it interconnects us with the only ONE who is AWAKE. Thus the very last test that the “chosen few” will present is the micro-chip-insert”, along with the “final-vaccine” by which we can “live” WITH the inferior state…ultimately leading to the creation of the CLONE, designed in the image of an inferior god.

The circle (tree) is the expanded centre (seed). As such we can transcend any Limit from Within. The NET is but a small concentric circle compared with the endless expansion of the Centre of centres within Great Mystery. So, it requires the DETACHMENT from the familiar, object or illusory limit, to make the decisive STEP. It requires the COURAGE to make the CHOICE to BE, for the greater extend of the SELF (I AM) comes from Within, where the SELF wants to become familiar with the UNKNOWN. This Unknown is the Almighty that some name “God” (Good from German). So, to make Creator’s Law our Primary Constant it is essential to fulfil the PLAN on Earth, to open the Portal from Within, so that Bliss can be Realised in the Awakened State. This is Creator’s STATE and not the nation in which we can be seduced with the artificial sleep (entertainment, palliatives, addiction, drugs, comforts, seduction).

So, let’s recite the mantra for the Awakening and the Fulfilment of the PLAN (spiritually received at Titus’ Cabin, Hopiland):

Wake Up, Wake Up , Wake Up!
Rise with the Rising Sun!
Listen to the Heart!
We Are ONE, We Are ONE, We Are ONE

The Plan


Great Mystery where all that can possibly be known is kept TOGETHER by the "ultimate superglue", making ALL "appear" as NOTHING.


With the Question "who AM I" the only ONE appears out of Nothing, because a "distance" is created for the Answer to Unfold. Thus all phenomena come forth by CONTRAST. Then, by polarity the ONEness can be "unglued". This POWER for the unravelling.... creating the TWO out of ONE.... is the CREATIVE FORCE, that by the continuation of the Polarity becomes evident as Vibration or Energy.


The EXTENT into Great Mystery depends on the Released Power, to MAINTAIN the contrast by Space and Time. In other words, the duration of an Illusion depends on the DELAYED PERCEPTION of the ONE who asked the Question: "Who AM I". This ONE exists in the MOMENT. Space and time are the result of the delayed perception of the moment (the pendulum’s swing between two still-points). Thus as long as "one" is attached to space and time, conditioned by concepts and perceptions.... we can not give The Answer to the only ONE, which is the "I AM". This "I AM" is utmost centred WITHIN, where NOTHING "exist". So, how can the SELF Know the SELF, by, of for and within the SELF? This is the TRUTH that can set us FREE!


The LIMIT or TURNING POINT into Great Mystery is the MIRROR that must shine back the Light that the BEARER of LIGHT can accomplish. This is the HUMAN, who is the subtotal of the entire journey into Great Mystery. The Human is the only one who can know how to make and use FIRE to make Light. At first the Fire is Sun generated. This Centre (of the solar system) appears as light by the one who is able to become CONSCIOUS and as long as we have not become fully conscious, of our SELF, the sunlight and its heat can hinder or harm us. So, it is thus essential that the Source of Light must shine FROM WITHIN us, from the SELF, in order to bring back the Light to the only ONE. For this reason our HEART correlates with the Sun where all opposites meet as One. Enlightenment is the Sun shine forth FROM WITHIN!


In order to maintain the Creative Force within a certain context of space and time, Infinite and Finite (which are in essence one) have to be Complementaries. This can only happen with a Unifying centre or catalyst. For this reason planet Earth was chosen, for the Human (created in the image of the only ONE, who is WITHIN) to interconnect Observer and Mirror. Thus the eternal or SELF has to be embodied with the Earthly, in order to be able to fully penetrate the unifying centre of Earth. That's why the nucleus of our blood, interconnecting all the body cells (each cell correlates with a star) correlates with Earth's nucleus, which is iron. By this iron we can FEEL, for its magnetism interconnects the inner with the outer. Thus wherever our blood flows to within our body, we can feel. We indeed feel by, of, for and with the Earth!

Gradually our physical being generates the consciousness by which we can apply space and time in such a way that our own Centre (Heart) and the entire Earth can TOGETHER create the ONEHEART-PORTAL. This becomes evident by the correlation Heart's four chambers, Earth's four directions and the four corners of the Brain.


In order to be utmost precise in finding the Centre Within, the original polarity (North-South) have to be polarised by a FIXED East (Orient) and West (Occident). With this extreme differentiation the Creative Force can be released through EXTREME REACTIONARY processes. The zenith came about by the extreme West (USA) dropping two atom-bombs (Yin/Yang) on the extreme East (Japan) in 1945. All of this went along according to the Plan as outlined by the "magic square".


The East (3,4) and West (6,7) have two numbers, because both represent North and South and can thus facilitate the SHIFT from Finite into Infinite. In other words, with the fixing or separation of East and West and then unifying them again, by overcoming the resulting tribulations, the SELF can SEE itself in a NEW LIGHT of FREEDOM... by making the Limit the Stepping-stone.

Biologically, the East correlates with the liver and gallbladder. These are central organs, which explains the Inner-power of the Orientals. The West correlates with the large-intestine and lungs. These organs are of the extremes into toe outer, below and above. This explains why the Western world relies so much on the outer power and that of the illusion, money.

With the UNFIXING of East and West all the reactionary energies can be FIXED into the Heart’s Centre. Consequently the Earth becomes the PORTAL for the Sun's Light to flow through, to shine forth into a context far greater than the illusory mindset can perceive. This VISION is that of the ONEHEART!


Our entire Being has been designed to LIVE the PLAN that enabled us to have the Earth Experience:

WE ARE THE MIRACLE! This message explains why. " Tawa" means "Sun" in Hopi and "Moon" in Tibetan. What unites the two different meanings of one word is One Mother Earth. This Oneness can also be found in our Heart! Our heart is pulsated by what interconnects all our body cells: blood. Why does blood do that? Blood is the biological transmutation of food. Food is the result of the concentrated accumulation of environmental energies. This realm stretches out into the Infinite.

Outside of our Solar System the energies of the Universe centre around the stars. All the stars interconnect with one another by their rays of light. Our sun is the closest star to us and by its light planet Earth receives Heaven's energies. By this union of Heaven and Earth, plants (food) grow. When we eat food, the stars without become the stars within, our body cells. Thus, similar to the way the Sun interconnects with all the other Suns, our heart seeks union with all the inner suns by the circulation of liquefied sunlight - the blood. In other words, the Eater (of food) becomes food for what originated food.

Before the stars' energies reach the Sun, they are influenced and organized by the twelve constellations or heavenly bodies. This heavenly clock regulates the rhythm of the energy flow before we can come to the realisation that our heart “ticks”. These twelve constellations manifest within us as the twelve organs or organizers. Finally, when the Earth captures the stars’ energies, they become the planet’s ecology and cycles. This also manifests within our body.

Our blood is synchronized with the ocean water, by having the same mineral composition and salinity. The blood's pulsation resonates with the ocean waves. The lungs become the inner forests and by breathing we maintain the inter-relationship. The rivers become our blood vessels, lakes become our liver, springs become our salivary glands, rain becomes our sweat, wind becomes our breath, thunder becomes our speech, lightning becomes our vision, atmospheric vibrations become our thinking ability, etc. The Moon reflects the Sun and internally manifests as feelings. Physically, the Moon is represented by the pericardium (the sack in which the heart is contained and is one of the twelve organs). By it we can become conscious of what is within and what is without. By the purity of blood, having true health, we can have the great Joy of Freedom in the circle of Light.

The degree of synchronicity or Oneness between the "stars within" and the "stars without" depends basically upon our way of eating. By eating the Universal food, the Universal way, we can return to the Heavens with a greater sense of Being. Plants extend Earth's radiation. This happens after the sun’s rays impregnate the Earth. In order for the Earth's energies to ascend beyond its environment, they need to be organised within a body that can contain the integrity of the Earth, and by having the ability to biologically transmute food into higher frequencies of energy. This ascension begins with the integration of Earth's centre (iron, Fe) by having it become our blood's nucleus, around which the complexity of the Earth is centred. Thus, wherever our blood circulates to, we can feel, indicating that we can radiate the Earth THROUGH the Human Potential beyond the Moon into far distant realms of the Infinite Universe.

In short, the more we can extract the essence or memory of food into our blood, the more we are “liked” by an “eater” of a higher order. Ultimately we become food for the Creator. Self-realisation is completely becoming food for the Creator WITHIN! For this reason we must fully digest our food, in order to
REMEMBER who we truly are.

Making Bliss Apparent

In order to ENTER Great Mystery we must volunteer to be CONTAINED by the three states of CONSCIOUSNESS:

1. Deep-sleep - where we are in Bliss but not Know it, because there is no Diversity by which we can Discern.
2. Dream-state – where the Mind creates the Illusion of Diversity in itself (ONE becomes TWO) by which Perception becomes possible.
3. Waking-state – where Diversity becomes apparent, so that we can Know and thus REALISE the Dream by making the CHOICE to BE.

Out of these three states we must make BLISS APPARENT! This can be accomplished with changing the Two back into One. So, upon the differentiation (2) Creator’s One Law, CHANGE, must be used as the absolute constant to DISTILL the changing realm (3) back into the non-changing realm (1). Thus while in the waking-state we must WAKE UP the sleeping SELF, who we keep in slumber by allowing an outer-identity to instil the Awakening. The EXPERIENCE in the outer is the “scouting-mission” for finding “out” how to get back into the inner with the Understanding of the Extend of the SELF.

The “Deep-sleep-Bliss” (1) is maintained by IGNORANCE, that we can resolve through the Awakening. In other words, the ONENESS must be aroused WITHIN itself by the energy that’s created by the inner-division….so that IT can FEEL itself. As such the SELF must come forth from the Duality, to REALISE the Bliss it is already IN. This “IN” is sensed as the WITHOUT, which creates the attachment to the ”garment” of the mental-state of diversity. The “garment” is the Border between the inner and the outer and when removed the “naked-truth” of the SELF will SHINE forth from within itself, by, of, for and within the SELF. This SELF-realisation or BLISS is made APPARENT by the Circle or Outer to SHRINK within itself. Consequently we will find the SELF within the Centre of centres, for the centre is the contracted circle. The outer is the MIRROR, needed for the SELF to SEE itself from BOTH sides, inner and outer. Thus with the exit of the SELF into its own extend, “inner-SELF” and “outer-SELF” can reflect each other, which create the INFINITE-MIRROR-EFFECT. From hereon the SELF Realises its Absolute and Eternal Existence. For this to happen (at the Dual-stage we are in) we must go into our HEART and make the CHOICE to BE. Inner and outer are ONE. The border between the two sides is merely a creation of the Mind. By having the Mind constantly focussed on the onlyY ONE…we will not fail to make BLISS APPARENT.

Deep Sleep

When Deep Sleep is BLISS...then how to RETAIN this state of Divinity with the
With the Deep Sleep the SELF creates the DREAM.
With the Awakened state the Dream is REALISED.
First the SELF becomes the Dreamer.
Upon the Awakening the SELF must REMEMBER the Dream in order it to be Fulfilled.
Can there be a greater Dream than the SELF to be IN Bliss?
In the Awakened state this IN is WITHIN (“condensed IN”), where it is as STILL and SILENT as in Deep Sleep (“point zero” from where Creation begins).
“IN-without” and “IN-within” are ONE (Oneness is Creator’s Habitat).
To be IN BLISS is to REMEMBER and be AWAKE from WITHIN!
To Forget is to Separate from the SELF (creates ego).
To Remember is to be ONE with the SELF.
To REALISE the Dream of dreams is for the SELF to TOTALLY SURRENDER to its PRESENCE - the to BE or I AM.
To BE while Awake is to be CONSCIOUS of the BLISS we are Constantly IN.
Even the outer is part of "Creator's INN" from where BLISS shines forth.
Our HEART is from where IT is projected.
This makes us a PORTAL of LIGHT, where we cannot IGNORE (be ignorant) the INFINITE POSSIBILITIES, which can lead to their Manifestation through the Human Potential.
This is FREEDOM, only conditioned by the UNCONDITIONAL - LOVE.
The Practice of Unconditional Love leads to the SELF-realisation - BLISS in the AWAKENED state of Being, when we do not ignore ourselves as a
Thus to BE IN the AWAKENED state of BLISS is to KNOW the SELF by,
of, for and within the SELF - the Creator of the Dream who awakens itself in
order to REALISE the SELF as a "Shining Example".
Realised BLISS comes forth through the Eternal CONSTANT, CHANGE - from Deep Sleep into the Ongoing Awakening.
So, Happiness is the Endless realisation of an Infinite Dream or Creation.
Each one of us has a UNIQUE potential to Realise the SELF.
Each one of us can create our own Reality.
To be Real is to “unreal” (Dream) a Possibility out of NOTHING.

Unconditional Love
by a Hopi

You are unique - different from all others. Without reservation or hesitation, I allow you to be in the world as you are without a thought or word of judgement from me. I see no error in the things you may say and do, feel and believe since I understand that you are honouring yourself by being and doing what is true to you. I cannot walk life through your eyes nor see it through your heart. I have not been where you have been and experienced what you have experienced, viewing life from your unique angle.

I appreciate you exactly as you are, being your own unique spark of the Infinite consciousness, seeking to find your own individual way to relate to the world. Without reservation or hesitation, I allow you every choice to learn in the way you feel is right for you. It is vital that you be your own person and not someone that I or others think you 'should' be. To the best of my ability, without denigrating or compromising myself in any way, and I will support you in that.

I cannot know what is for your highest good, what is true for you or what you need since I do not know what you have chosen to learn, how you have chosen to learn it, with whom or in what time period. Only you can feel your inner excitement and hear your inner voice - I only have my own.

I acknowledge that, though they may be different to each other, the many ways To perceive and experience the various facets of our world are all valid. Without reservation or hesitation, I allow the choices you make in each moment. I make no judgement of this for it is imperative that I honour your right to your individual evolution, because it empowers that right for myself and all others.

To those who would choose a way I cannot or would not walk, whilst I may not choose to add my power and my energy to that way, I will never deny you the gift of love that God has bestowed within me, for all creation. As I love you, so shall I be loved. As I sow, so shall I reap.

Without reservation or hesitation, I allow you the universal right of free will to walk your own path, creating steps or sitting still if and when you feel it is right for you. I cannot always see the higher picture of Divine Order and so I will make no judgement that your steps are large or small, nor light or heavy or that they lead up or down, for that would just be my viewpoint. Though I may see you do nothing and judge it to be unworthy, I acknowledge that you may be the one who brings great healing as you stand calm, blessed by the Light of God.

For it is the inalienable right of all life to choose their own evolution, and without reservation or hesitation I acknowledge your right to determine your own future. In humility, I bow to the realisation that the way I see as best for me does not have to mean that it is also right for you, that what I believe is not necessarily true for you. I know that you are led as I am, following your inner excitement to know your own path.

I know that the many races, religions, customs, nationalities and beliefs within our world bring us great richness and allow us the benefits and teachings of such diverseness. I know we each learn in our own unique way in order to bring that love and wisdom back to the whole. I understand that if there were only one way to do something, there would need only be one person.

I will appreciate your unique inner light whether or not you behave in a way I
think you should or believe in those things I believe in. I understand you are
truly my brother and my sister, though you may have been born in a different
place and believe in different ideals.

The love I feel is for absolutely all that is. I know that every living thing Is a part of one consciousness and I feel a love deep within for every person, animal, tree, stone and flower, every bird, river and ocean and for all that is in all the world.

I live my life in loving service, being the best me I can, becoming wiser in The perfection of Divine Truth, becoming happier, healthier and increasingly
abundant and joyous.

Though along the way I may like you, feel indifferent towards you, or dislike you, I will not stop loving you - honouring your uniqueness and allowing you to be you. That is the key to peace and harmony in our lives and around our Earth since it is the capstone of Unconditional Love.


The “winner” becomes the “whiner” by going for a “victory” at the expense of the “loser”.
The true Winner is the ONE and only ONE, made evident by the utmost INEVITABLE.
What is most inevitable is the absolute and eternal constant, CHANGE.
“victor” and “looser” are poles which like any other opposite alternate, because they maintain Change.
So, those whose primary constant is centred around Creator’s One Law, Change, is the WINNER at any MOMENT.
The Moment…that’s what Change maintains.
To be IN the Moment is to BE…FREE.
Who or what can claim the Moment by anything that’s out of the Moment?
Only by the ILLUSORY mindset is this “possible”.
“possible”, because it is merely a “quantum-leap” between the right-brain and the left-brain, to be OUT of control.
The WINNER is at the STILL-point from where ALL opposites are Perceived as ONE, at the Centre of centres.
The only ONE’s Domain is the Oneness or All There Is.
So, how can “loss” be accounted for?
The “accountant” is the one who counts the “gains” AGAINST the “losses”.
Thus the true Rule of Gain says that we must not “live for the fruits”, but just LIVE.
Today’ world is based on “making a living at the expense of life”…to the extend that literally millions upon millions of Humans have been SACRIFICED to secure employment.
Today’s world merely shows the extreme DUALITY, in which the EXTERNAL (outer) gives Space and Time to SEE what’s WITHIN.
This INSIGHT gives us the opportunity (“upper-tune”) for ENTERING the PORTAL of the eternal SELF.
The CHOICE to BE (Essence of Peace), contrasting the “me over you”, cancels out any form of conflict or war.
The “Order” (of disorder) that we needed to create the MIRROR, is the “not to BE”.
Thus the Last TEST of Will is presented, to REVERSE the FORCE by which the ONE could become TWO (“big bang”).
This FORCE is represented by the WILL and comes forth by making a choice.
The choice can be made by having OPTIONS, by which we can DISCERN.
Today’s “world order” presents the extreme contrasting option to that of Creation.
This has become quite OBVIOUS, as the headlines of corruption and all sorts of diabolical practices have become the NORM.
So, there is NO excuse left not to look into ourselves.
The Diabolical Order have done its job and “they” did quite well.
“they” are us, considering that without being an “obedient citizen/tax-payer”… “they” could not create the “enemies” by which the “system” could function and us be “comfortable” with our discomforts.
So, when we DECIDE to be the WINNER…we must make the TWO ONE…to be a true Individual (= indivisible-two).
Therefore the CHOICE has to be made to BE, Creator’s “Mandatory Identification”, to KNOW that the only ONE is WITHIN.
To be ABLE to do so we were given the FREE WILL that comes into operation by making the CHOICE to BE.
To know how the Diabolical contrasts Creator’s Order…read the following.

From the Baghavat Gita:

The diabolical ones say, "this universe is without truth, without moral basis,
without a God, brought about by mutual union, with lust for its cause; what
else? Holding this view, these ruined souls of small intellect and fierce
deeds, come forth as the enemies of the world for its destruction.

Filled within satiable desires, full of hypocrisy, pride and arrogance, holding
evil ideas through delusion, they work with impure resolves. Giving themselves
over to immeasurable cares ending only with death, regarding gratification of
lust as their highest aim and feeling sure that that is all.

Bound by a hundred ties of hope, given over to lust and anger, they strive to
obtain by unlawful means hoards of wealth for sensual enjoyments. This has been gained by me today; this desire I shall obtain; this is mine and this wealth
also shall be mine in future.

That enemy has been slain by me; and others I shall also slay. I am the lord.
I enjoy. I am perfect, powerful and happy, I am rich and born in a noble
family. Who else is equal to me? I will sacrifice. I will give charity. I will rejoice,
- thus deluded by ignorance.

Bewildered by many a fancy, entangled in the snare of delusion, addicted to the
gratification of lust, they fall into a foul hell. Self-conceited, stubborn, filled with the pride and intoxication of wealth, they perform sacrifices in (or for) name out of ostentation, contrary to scriptural ordinances.

Given over to egoism, power, haughtiness, lust and anger, these malicious
People hate Me in their own bodies and those of others. These cruel haters, worst among men in the world, I hurl these evil doers into the womb of demons only. Entering into the demonical womb and deluded, birth after birth, not attaining Me, they thus fall, into a condition lower than that.

Why do we have a Brain?

Why do we have a Brain? Within the context of logic we may say that it facilitates the registration of the connection between Complementary Opposites, which basically increase or decrease in intensity according to the Nine stages of evolution. These Nine stages (1 – 9) are initiated from the most subtle into the most dense and establish the physical quality of the brain by way of Food. Food contains the Memory (link between beginning and end) that ultimately reaches the point where food can be refined into the most subtle. Thus the brain “pops out” or grows from the body unto the Source or only ONE, Who can be Remembered from the mid-brain. Until then the awareness that the brain must facilitate is polarised by the four corners of the brain, especially the right and left brain which have a reactionary effect on the body and mind.

Having reached the Turning-point (9), the Nine stages are traced back to the Source (9 – 1) in the form of Consciousness. Consequently, with each step back a connection is made between the established or materialised past (evolution) that’s contained by the body and the “outer or expanded evolution”. Therefore we have a digestive system and a nervous system, to maintain the polarity of the “inner-Creation” with the “outer-Creation”. Not until the outer is fully integrated by the unifying centre (mid-brain) of the nervous system, our “unrealised being” will react to any existing separation. So, we can put food into our mouth in order to have it changed into blood and further on into body-cells, but it will continue to maintain the reactionary state until the Memory of ONE has been realised, WITHIN. This happens when we, the “eater of food”…have become food for the ONE Who created the Food. The registration of pain or disturbing emotional condition within our being is the result of “food not fully digested”. In other words, the food we ate has not come to full cycle. We merely ate to satisfy the appetite of the ego. Not only excessive body weight is the result of undigested food. Pain and emotional instability are also the result of food not fully digested! Indeed, the small intestine is the “brain of the body” and the brain is the “small-intestine of the mind. Consider the “lower brain” the root-system digging into the past and the “upper-brain” the branch system ascending into the future. FULFILMENT will come about upon the entering of “Creator’s Mouth” at the very end.

Realise that while in mother’s womb, she ate for us and then we ate her blood, that she biologically transmuted from the food she ate. Thus via the umbilicus we ate our “first meal”, because our brain was then located in the body. Upon birth the “lower brain” gradually changes location and this happens as we become increasingly able to create our own blood from the food we eat via the head where the “upper brain” must be finally centred. Consequently we can also become more independent in our way of thinking. Adulthood is based on how well we can control our blood quality. The indiscriminate way of eating identifies the immaturity of being. Some people can become lower than sharks in brain quality.

The natural and organic centring process begins with the blood having attained Earth’s centre as its nucleus, which is iron. Then the blood undergoes the centring procedure in the Heart, where all opposites meet as one. Finally the blood is conditioned into the Oneness by way of thinking. So, in order to find our way back to the Source, our way of thinking and behaviour must be based on Unconditional Love, which is Creator’s Blood!

The digestive system’s function is to extend the Heaven-Earth polarity into the realm where the Ultimate Union takes place. Therefore we have the “inner-Heaven”, which is the brain and the “inner-Earth, which is the small-intestine. This explains why the digestive system begins with the mouth that’s located near the brain and the central nervous system rises from near the anus. The nervous system’s function is to extend this inner-polarisation into the outer, which results in the “greater awareness”, from the most dense into the most subtle. Unconditional service to Creation serves this process best.

Within the cycle of existence, contrasting non-existence or Source, Consciousness is polarised too…by food. Food as most people know it, as “nutrition” (protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, etc) is but a tiny part of what food actually is. Food is the condensation of the infinite universe, Moreover, food also contains the Source. The seed is in the tree and the tree is in the seed.

In the world of Manifestation everything is bound by polarity. Food and Consciousness are the polarities which are essential to maintain the “seed in the tree”. The tree (food) correlating with manifestation, is maintained by the root and branch system. The seed correlates with Consciousness, ultimately unifying the Two into One…to make us Realise that All is One. As such we can have a direct relationship with the self-evident, of which our being is most evident. All of Creation and Who/what created is within too! Our True Self created everything visible and invisible. So, the more we Know ourselves the more we can Know Creation and Know that in truth we are the Creator.

Similarly as the tree’s branches, polarised by the outer world, “Heaven”, the brain is complementary to even a much greater extend of “Heaven”. Via the brain we can interconnect with the Source. The body is polarised by Earth and similarly as the tree’s sap, feeds the brain with the blood that has been biologically transmuted from food in the small intestine. Thus we can conclude that internally the brain is polarised by the small intestine. Thinking begins with the chewing of food in the head-region and with thinking the chewing ends! In the small intestine the food’s Memory is released and ascends to the brain with the blood’s circulation. This inner-ascension is the Remembering in seven stages. These seven stages are polarised by Finite and Infinite, the Original Polarities. Thus basically there are Nine stages of Creation.

In the very extreme, the Two (tree) become One (seed). This process towards the Oneness has also two stages:

1. Inner-Heaven (brain) and inner-Earth (small intestine) interconnect and unite in the Heart. This is the first mid-brain!
2. The Heart’s essence ascends to the mid-brain from where we can fully Remember that All is One! This is the Goal of Life, Self-realisation.

The last step of Consciousness cannot be made as long as the right and left brain dominate our thinking and way of life. Until then the Self is bound by space and time, illusion, and goes along with the “chicken or egg” struggle, competition.

Purpose of the
Right and Left Brain

As far as we can SENSE…it is registered in the brain. So, what is sensing? Without opposites sensing is not possible. The Oneness can not feel or sense itself. There has to be a “MIRROR”.

So, how can the only ONE create the Mirror? The Oneness is held together with the “supreme superglue” and the “ungluing” requires the Force for the ONE to be Differentiated. This Force is Creator’s Will and comes about by CONSCIOUSNESS. Thus upon the differentiation, when the Two meet. Consciousness is related to. This connection outside of the ONE is what Sensing is. What we know as “outside” is the result of it.

Finding ourselves within the context of Earth…her Centre correlates with the ONE where it all began. From this Nucleus the Mirror, Outer, Circle or Circumference is created. So, in order to Sense the Consciousness has to be SUBSTANTIATED on the SURFACE or HORIZONTAL plane. This process is facilitated by the Human Potential. So, EVERY detail of Earth has to be within the Human in order to be able to Sense by, with and for Earth. To begin with, every part of the Human has to be interconnected by the very Centre (representing the ONE) of Earth, which is the Iron Nucleus that’s carried by the BLOOD. That’s why the intensity of feeling is proportional to the flow of the blood within the body. Moreover, the iron’s energy (correlating with the “ungluing Force”) is the magnetism by which the inner and the outer are interconnected.

In the small-intestine, the “inner-Earth”, food (condensed environment) is biologically transmuted into blood. Thus, with the iron’s magnetism the blood rises and extends the sensing away from Earth’s Centre. By this centrifugal force the brain becomes the “inner-Heaven”, from where feeling can be translated into higher forms of relating to Consciousness (read The Nine Cosmic gates). What takes place here is for the vertical “inner-Earth” – “Inner-Heaven” relationship to arrive on the horizontal plane. These two inner vertical poles become the Small-brain and Large-brain, which are POLARISED by the Right-brain and Left-brain. The latter ones can do so by their correlation to East and West. Both East and West bring out Earth’s magnetism perpendicular to the vertical North-South polarity.

So, with the geographic/biological/social/psychological CONCEPT to DIVIDE Earth, by FIXING East and West…Human’s brain consequently registers all feelings Dualistically on the horizontal plane, where the Stage is set for the unfolding of a “Drama” to Substantiate a Consciousness according to Creator’s PLAN. With the accomplishment Earth’s Centre has then become as large as the attained Awareness to what through the Human Potential. In other words, we must become Conscious with the REALISATION that we Are what we Sense. Ultimately we sense with the Mind, by Thinking. Hence the saying “I think therefore I exist”. The opposite is also true, “I exist therefore I think”. However, it must also be understood that the blood that goes to the brain, so that we can think…rises via the Heart, where All opposites meet as One. Thus the true thinking is from the Heart where we can feel by LOVE! From here the illusory division that takes place on the horizontal plane can be reduced back to the ONE, of Who we Are. The Force that we need for this Return is represented by the same Will by which the One could become Two. By the surrendering of our “small will” (desire) to The Will, by the CHOICE to BE or “I AM” (Two become One) we attain the SELF-realisation!

The differentiation that brought us on the horizontal plane made us experience the only ONE in every one. It created the multi-facetted-mirror. The sensing through this mirror brought forth the Labour-pains for the birth of the SELF in a New Light of FREEDOM…with the understanding that freedom is the endless realisation of an Infinite Dream. So, the whole process is:

* DEEP SLEEP – Bliss without being aware of it.
* DREAM or TWILIGHT – creation of the “blueprint” or Illusion.
* AWAKENING – Realising the Dream.
* CONSTANTLY AWAKE – Conscious Bliss. This is SELF-realisation, Sensing that we are ETERNAL!

Envision the ANIMATION of the above….

Earth shown from the side, seeing North-South along the vertical axis.
Earth moves around her axis, showing that East and West are actually One.
Thus we see the CROSS turning around its Vertical polarity.
Observing from the side, the cross can be fully seen at any MOMENT when the two ends of the Horizontal polarity of the Cross are in SYNCHRONISITY with our own Horizontal Extremes of PERCEPTION, which are the Right and Left Brain.
The Horizontal polarity, that moves around, is that of East and West “chasing” each other in a the Natural state.
Then by CONCEPT, East and West become Artificially FIXED at the EXTREMES of Earth’s Circumference…which correlates with the MINDSET that’s also fixed according to a PLAN.
The Fixation is nothing else but the “Delayed Perception of the Moment”, which allows us to have an EXPERIENCE by Space and Time according to Secondary laws.
Consequently the Vertical image of the cross flips over and becomes the Horizontal “Four Directions”.
Then, finding ourselves as an “individual” existing on a PART of Earth’s surface, the perception becomes increasingly distorted.
DISORIENTATION increases too and the search for the “missing parts”, without the Unifying Principle of the Universe, we then try to unify the world according to an artificial order.
This strive for unity goes on with the destruction of everything that stands between us as an subject of the artificial order and Creation.
Ultimately Nature will destroy the artificial order itself.
Now we must orient and find ourselves from WITHIN ourselves
Seen from Earth’s Centre outwards, to either North or South…the Cross is shown within the Circle.
This signifies the importance of the North-South union, so that their Unifying Centre (attained through the Human Potential) can also be the catalyst for the East-West union.
However, as long as we have not fully come to the Centre of our own Heart, the Cross can not be FIXED within the Circle.
With this state of Mind we remain on Earth’s surface in a REACTIONARY state, roaming as “crusaders”.
The BRAIN, however, has been most precisely designed to not only facilitate the “crusader”, but also the end of it, by having the MID-brain to centre Earth’s via the Heart into the “four-directions” of the Brain.
This attained Centre is that of the MID-brain.
The final internal-centring can happen by the UN-fixing of the “East” and “West”.
As such Right and Left Brain can UNIFY at the Brain’s Centre, by which Small and Large Brain can also become One and thus all the Direction merge into One.
What we then can see is the Cross flipping over to its original state, with the difference that the Circle it finds itself in is the full-spectrum-horizon the CONSCIOUSNESS has been EXPANDED into, through the Human Potential or the one Who has the ability and capacity to make the CHOICE to BE.
The “to BE” is the attained Consciousness that rises from the SUBSTANTIATED plane where a part of CONSCIOUSNESS is REALISED.
As such the realm around Earth can be Substantiated too.
In other words the Human can not only Embody Earth, but the realm that can INFINITELY STRETCH FROM WITHIN!
This resonates to WORLD PEACE and Beyond.
Final image…the ongoing “flip-flop” of the Cross within the Circle, as the Circumference INFINITELY EXPANDS.



But those whose ignorance is destroyed by the knowledge of the Self, like the sun, knowledge reveals the Supreme Brahman.
Bhaghavad Gita

What is ignorance?
It is ignoring the Eternal Self.
The Self is Self-contained and is thus Superior.
The Container of the Self contains all containers.
Nothing can be exclusively contained outside of the Container of containers.
The Container is maintained by the very principle of Creation.
So, to know the Self requires us to know what Contains the Self.
The Self is the Only One who can reveal what is in the Container.
Thus the very principle of Creation must be understood, in order to know the Self…because it is the Self who is the very first realisation…who in turn can realise.
Great Mystery, the Container, is from where the Self was created.
So, to be one with the Creator of All is to KNOW the Self, who is WITHIN.

Those whose plan it is to exclusively contain the Human, within an illusory container…must redesign us, so that we can fit their prison. This is what the systematic manipulation of body, mind and soul is all about. Medical science, education and religion have therefore been used.

Genetic manipulation, the replacement of organs and cloning have brought us to the LIMIT, to contrast Creation to the very extreme. With the two extreme options the CHOICE can then be made between the two contrasting identities, the “to BE” and the “not to BE”.

With the “not to BE”-choice we give our Power away, that can then be used for the Diabolical’s salvation, which is the self-destruction (contrary to the Self-realisation). Obviously the promotion of this suicidal way has become the order of the day.

With the “to BE”-choice we will be Self-empowered, because by making The Choice, the Will representing the Creative Force…Creation will come forth THROUGH the Human Potential. Consequently we Realise that we are a co-Creator. This is Self-realisation. The diabolical order has therefore sidetracked and deceived us with their “creation stories” and “missing-link” theories, which have led to the endless “researches” on a “death-end-path” or suicidal way of life.

The Ball

Mentally renouncing all actions and self-controlled, the embodied one rests happily in the nine-gated city, neither acting nor causing others to act.
Bhaghavad Gita

Until we have fully entered the “Nine-Gated City” or Creator’s Body, the effort is needed to open the Gates. It is like the effort that’s needed to forcefully throw the ball downwards, to have it then bounce back effortlessly to the point where we can catch it. Similarly is the effort we need to stretch the arrow on the bow’s string, backwards, to then have the arrow reach the target without effort. What is needed is the Detachment from the ball or arrow, in order to reach that what we have focussed on. The ultimate focus of life is the Centre of centres…by which the Circle can endlessly be extended. The Nine Cosmic Gates are also the Steps towards the Total Detachment. In other words, Be Unconditional. This is FREEDOM.

Earth was chosen as the platform for the “ball” to ascend through the Human Potential. It took different worlds and many lifetimes to build up the capacity for the “ball” to contain the energy by which it can detach itself from the Earthly plane. Today the ASCENSION is at hand.

Beyond the Target

We found ourselves temporarily on Earth’s circumference, aiming on the Target that’s WITHIN.

From the Centre to the Globe's Surface.
Standing on the circumference in the Perfect Vertical position.
Vertically, makng the direct connection between the Extreme Inner and the Extreme Outer.
As such relating to the expanded Centre, to REALISE that inner and outer are one.
That, with this realisation the only ONE can enter Great Mystery unto the endless expansion of the Centre of centres.
That, with this FREEDOM any limit can become the stepping-stone to realise an infinite dream or Plan.
The Plan that brought us to Earth was designed to bring the Human Potential to the ultimate Test.
So, first of all we had to become one with Earth's centre, to from there make the vertical connection to Earth's "garment".
The Human, being able to fully stand erect can then INTERNALLY interconnect Earth and Heaven, which are represented by the small-intestine and the brain.
As such Earth's centre can come to her surface, by us to eat the FOOD that has the Heaven-Earth MEMORY.
Thus in our inner-Earth...Earth's centre, substantiated by iron, becomes the nucleus of our BLOOD.
This blood can then internally rise to the inner-Heaven.
Moreover, the iron's magnetism interconnects the inner and outer and as such we can Sense.
So, wherever the blood flows to within our body...we can Feel.
As the blood rises to the brain, the feeling becomes increasingly refined in order to reach into the highest possible frequency into the Beyon of the
Thus the feeling manifests as Thinking, where the "lower-body" is
extended by the "upper-body, which is the head in which the brain is
Now the mind can be used from the physical plane as the Stepping-stone, from where the CHOICE can be made for overcoming the illusory-limit.
Now we become the "Bowman", who must in the perfect vertical
position...having the perfect inner Earth-Heaven alignment...release the
arrow on the horizontal East-West direction.
The arrow...projecting the Bowman's FOCUS, from the brain's centre ....travels around the EXACTLY come back to where it was focussed from!
At the Moment of Truth the Bowman must turn around, to without flinching RECEIVE the arrow between the eyes!
The arrow continues around Earth, because the Target was the EMPTY MIND of the Bowman who made the Choice to BE!
The Target was all along WITHIN, but by the externalisation of the Centre the illusion made it possible to PERCEIVE the Within as the Without.
Then, at the Moment of Truth the outer Contracts and becomes the inner...where the only ONE (the "Bowman") is centred.
By having realised that inner and outer are one, the Plan reveals feeling in Cosmic Happiness.
For Happiness is the endless realisation of an Infinite Dream.

Expansion on the Message:


Blogger Fraudbuster said...

Wow, that's the biggest collection of gobbledlygook I've ever seen in one place!

7:00 PM  
Blogger Realndn said...

Load of bull again from the con man

2:57 AM  
Blogger Dr. Al Carroll said...

From a Hopi elder, a warning on Roy Steevenz AKA "Roy Littlesun"

First and foremost Roy arrived at Hotevilla, Third Mesa, Hopi Traditional Homeland, with no background and no cultural understanding. He arrived with a personal plan and agenda which did not take into consideration the lives and dignity of the Hopi people. This demonstrated to me that regardless of his "spiritual" and "macrobiotic" front, he was a rather racist, ignorant and egotistical man. Little did he know, due to his own blindness, that everyone in the community could see him for what he was from the beginning. However, as is often the case, self-serving persons in the community gave him a foot-hold whereby he could maintain his spot in Hopi for a long time. The damage he did was intense. Again, his very ignorance of Hopi, blinded him to the foolish and sacriligious things he did and said. First, if he had had the humility to listen to the Hopi he would have been aware that he was disregarding them and exhibiting blatant blasphemy and distain. He essentially tried to set up his own peculiar "religion", collect funds and followers right on Hopi land. This is about like some nut walking into a Catholic Church and proceeding to perform his own services at the altar and proclaiming himself the Pope if not Christ Jesus himself.

The Hopi have become accustomed to odd-balls and quacks over many years of observation. Roy was a rare phenomena. He was too rude to depart when asked. It is commonly accepted that the Hopi name for themselves is translated "peaceful people". Actually, the closer and more correct translation is "the polite people" or "the people of good manners." This would include having the manners not to stay where you are not wanted. A person of good manners does not walk into another's home and proceed to give orders, criticism and moral instruction.

I will state that the man is ignorant, disrespectful, dictatorial, a fraud, dangerous to vulnerable people, a liar, a hypocrite, a blasphemer, a phony, a cultural thief and abuser. Closer to Hitler than to any indigenous concept of Holy Man or Spokesperson. I hope he is soon stopped from using the name of Hopi in any way.

Hazel Hatnenn

3:21 PM  
Blogger T. Laurel Sulfate said...

Still telling your lies about how condoms cause AIDS, Roy? How do you sleep at night?

6:35 AM  

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